Hudson started our day off fun. He has discovered the big mirror in my old room and loves looking at himself. He smiles and laughs at himself and plays peek-a-boo. I was trying to change his diapers and clothes, but he wanted to play instead.
Here he is kissing himself
Cracking up at himself - see where he slimed the mirror
My parent's dog is great with kids and lets them crawl all over him and pet him - look at Hud's chubby face
Hudson and I got to hang out with Julie and Kaitlyn for a while. It was so fun watching the babies play. Kaitlyn had lots of fun toys for Hudson to explore.
Soon both realized they were in a pen and wanted out
Hudson loved riding this zebra and cutie Kaitlyn was clapping the background
Love this picture of the two kids on their animals
Mom and Hudson sitting outside - they didn't last too long because it was over 100 degrees
I met Brian's parents tonight and they took Hudson back to their house. He is spending the night at their house. It was kind of hard letting him go, but I know he'll have fun and they'll take great care of him. I hope he sleeps good for them.
Hudson made me laugh. He's getting to be such a big boy. Hope you're able to get good sleep. I'm sure you'll be missing your little one tonight.