Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Happy New Year!!

I've gotten so far behind on blogging that I don't even know where to start.  The past month and a half is a bit of a blur.  We've had a lot of sickness - Hudson was sick for 3 weeks, I was sick with a sinus infection 2 different times.  We were in Indiana for a week at Christmas and a quick 3 day trip not too long ago.

Hopefully I'll find some time to update my blog and back date the posts.

I also need some time to catch up on all my favorite blogs.  Hudson has been out of school for, I think, 5 weeks and finally just went back, so hopefully on days he is in school, I can blog.


  1. I feel like I do this all the time. I'll be caught up on blogs and then the next thing I know it has been weeks since I have been able to read one.

    1. Normally I'm less busy in the winter, but I feel like I'm moving non-stop lately.

  2. Oh no. well, i'm glad both of you are healthy now. You had been on my mind and I actually thought of emailing you but didn't want to pry. Glad you're back. Blessings.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thanks for leaving me a message! Many Blessings!