Sunday, March 30, 2014

My Plan:

So my plan is to start blogging regularly again, hopefully that happens.  I miss my blogging friends, too.  Now that the weather is finally warming up and I am taking more pictures, I might have more to talk about.  It's been a long, cold winter.  

We haven't taken a family picture since Christmas, so I thought we'd give it a try before church today -this was the best we could get.  
Me and my sweet little guy.
Hopefully I'll get a better belly shot and do a pregnancy update sometime this week.  I don't want to neglect this new little guy.  


  1. Good to see you all!!
    Hudson is looking so big. Yes, don't neglect us. Hope you're feeling better.
    Take care.

    oh, ever since I made my blog private my blog doesn't show the new updates on peoples sidebars. I've contacted google already but they haven't come up with a solution.


Thanks for leaving me a message! Many Blessings!