Saturday, July 23, 2011

SUYL: Marriage Advice

I'm linking up with Kelly's Korner for Show Us Your Life:  Marriage Advice.  We love being married!  I'm really blessed ~ I married a really good man.   There's no doubt we waited on God's best for us.  We'll celebrate 5 years in a few months, so I don't know if we have the best advice ~ it's been a really great 4 1/2 years.  We'll probably have more to add in 10-15 years.

(My answers are pretty similar to Kelly's)  Keeping God in the center of our marriage is a priority.  We are so excited about having kids, but we know we can't let them over-shadow God or our marriage.  Another thing that has helped me is knowing our Love Language.  I love the book The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman.  I highly recommend the book - it's an easy, quick read.  Thankfully quality time is both our #1, so it's easy for us to show each other love.  I also really liked the book Love and Respect (I can't remember the author's name)  The book is based on Ephesians 5:33 "However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband."  Loving Brian is easy, but respecting him is sometimes the difficult one.  I can be so stubborn sometimes -something I'm working on and will probably work on my whole life.  We also made the decision not to have any debt (except our mortgage) when we got married.  We save up for everything that we buy, it makes it easy -if we don't have the money, we don't buy it.   Marriage is awesome, but it does take work.  
I asked Brian for his best marriage advice.  His answer:  "Always support your spouse and do things together."

1 comment:

  1. You are a very wise young woman. Waiting for God's best is the way to go. Two of my children have done that so far and it is such a blessing. Keep up the good work!


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