Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I think Hudson is back to his old self again - he's back to blowing raspberries on everything he can get his mouth on:  my neck, my legs, toys, his own hands and feet, the dog's ball (gross!), office chair, desk, and carpet (gross!).

When Hudson isn't busy blowing raspberries, he is trying really hard to crawl, but the poor things head is so big, he can't get it off the ground - yet

Happy Tuesday Ya'all!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Back Track - Mother's Day Weekend

I had a great first Mother's Day.  Brian and Hudson really spoiled me.  Brian fixed waffles for breakfast.  
 They made this sweet card for me
They got me these pretty lilies

I also got wind chimes (I love chimes).  They sound so pretty.  
One of my favorite pictures with the little guy

I'm so thankful for the gift of motherhood - what a special gift and blessing!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

Well, the unofficial start of summer didn't start off quite like we had hoped.  Our poor little guy is experiencing his first sickness.  Hudson woke up screaming Thursday after his third nap and had a 101.5 temp.  I gave him some tylenol and within a couple hours, he was fine.  We just assumed he was teething.  He slept all night.  Friday morning he woke up feeling a little warm, but was only 99.7, so I just gave him some more tylenol and teething rings.  His temp came down, but he was pretty fussy all day and then once again, he woke up screaming after his third nap (3:45) and had another fever.  We had a cookout at 5, but decided not to go since  he wasn't feeling well and we didn't want the other babies and kids to get sick either.  Poor guy just got worse from there.  He just kept getting fussier and fussier and then started getting congested.  Friday was an awful night - he woke up screaming and congested every hour and it would take half an hour to calm him back down.  We took turns getting up with him.  Finally, at 4:30 I slept with him in our chair to keep him elevated so he could breathe, plus I really think he just needed his mommy.  Saturday morning I was relieved to find out our pediatrician's office was open.  I called and they told us to come on over.  Of course when we got there he was all smiles and no fever, but still really congested.  The doctor did see blisters on his throat -not strep -  possibly hand, foot, and mouth disease (not sure, though because he doesn't have blisters anywhere else).  She gave us a prescription for the congestion and said the virus should go away in 3-4 days and not to be alarmed if blisters show up on his hands or feet.  We were supposed to go Indiana on Saturday, but decided to cancel that, also.  We were planning on going to a life celebration event for Brian's aunt who passed away last fall.  We figured driving for 4 hours with a sick baby was a bad idea, plus he would probably sleep better in his own bed.  Last night was better,he only woke up three times and went back to sleep really easily.  It's 9:15 am now and Hudson is already on his second nap for the day.  I'm letting him sleep in my arms so he can breathe better and take a longer nap.  It's so precious watching him sleep and snore, but breaks my heart that he isn't feeling well.  I'm thankful we made it 6 months without any sickness, and praying it is at least 6 more months before he is sick again.    
My precious view

Also, we want to say a very special Thank You to everyone that has or is currently serving in our military.  We're thankful for your service and dedication.   We're so thankful to be living in such a great nation.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Last weekend we introduced Hudson to the baby pool that we have and he was in heaven - loved every second of it.  He even did well the 2 times he slipped from my hands and ended up face first in the water.  We're looking forward to lots of days in the pool this summer.  
Day 1 in the pool
Just chillin
Day 2 in the pool
Having a ball
Loaded down diaper

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Late post

I'm still catching up from the middle of April.  --Last month I took Hudson to Indiana by myself for my friend Cheryl's wedding shower.  Brian was busy with work and needed to stay here.  Hudson did great in the car - on the way to Indiana he cried the last 10 minutes, which was great, but made for a long 10 minutes, and then he didn't cry at all on the way home.  I'm so thankful - it could have been an awful trip.   I had such a great weekend catching up with family and friends. 

Hudson was really fascinated with my parent's dog.  Thankfully he is great around kids and didn't mind Hudson tugging on him. 
My niece Jasmine playing -my mom got that toy at a garage sale for $3 and the kids love it
Tylene giving Hudson a kiss
My dad and Jasmine - love her little pig tails
Hudson and his favorite toy - I have no idea why my mom gave him a spoon, especially when he was surrounded by all those toys
My brother holding the babies
Jasmine has 1 sock on and 1 off - not sure when she lost it
My mom and the kids
Decorations for Cheryl's shower
Laura just got engaged the weekend before
Cara, Julie, Kara, and me
Fun time!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy 6 months


You are 6 months old now.
You weigh 16 lbs 14 oz = 38 %
You are 26 1/4 inches = 44 %
Your head is 45.5 cm = 91%

Peyton snuck in for a kiss

You are growing a big brain. 
You are wearing 3-6 month clothes.
You are still eating a lot!  You take 5 bottles per day. You are eating cereal in the am and a fruit and vegetable at lunch, and a fruit and vegetable in the evening.   I have been preparing everything.  I love giving you homemade food.  You love food!  We started with avocados, then sweet potatoes, then bananas, and you just started carrots this week.       
We have moved you up to size 3 diapers.  
You stay awake anywhere from 1.5-2.5 hours after eating.  You still like Sophie the giraffe.  You love books.  You like your playmat with keyboard kick plate and are really liking your jumper and bouncer.  
The weather has been great so we have been able to get out and walk pretty regularly and you love it.  You love looking at everything.
You are really fascinated with the dogs now.
You still really like being held - we can't put you down for too long.  Although, you don't want to sit still, you want to stand all the time.
We're wondering if you're starting to experience some separation anxiety, you occasionally cry when we leave the room.
You love barrel rolling across the floor and have started spinning and you're trying to scoot.  You really love being able to move.  I think you are going to love crawling.
Your eyes still look like a deep blue color.
Your hair is blonde.  
You are sleeping about 11 1/2 hours per night.   You go to sleep pretty easily, thankfully.  Naps are still awful right now.  You have only been napping 30 min at a time.  Every now and then you sleep for 1 1/2 hours, but that's still rare, unfortunately.  
Everything still goes in your mouth these days. 
You are trying really hard to mimic our mouths and sounds.  You are jabbering more and more.  You love blowing raspberries and sticking your tongue out of your mouth.
You are so active - you don't have time to sit still for pictures.  

You are our sweet precious gift from God.  
We love you!

Monday, May 14, 2012

First Food

I've got lots of catching up to do - Hudson has been keeping me busy lately and not napping well so I haven't had much time to blog lately, but hope to get caught up sometime in the next week or two.  

We started Hudson on solid foods at about 5 1/2 months.  We started with avocados and it was love at first bite!!  Brian's Grandparents stopped at our house on their way back to Indiana from Florida and we thought it would be fun if they got to watch him eat.  I think they really enjoyed getting to see all of Hudson's expressions.  
First bite was a shock, but a smile quickly showed up on his face.  

Loved the green stuff!
Brian's sweet Grandma gave Hudson his bottle - this was before he ate
Unfortunately they didn't stay long and we had to say goodbye - I love this picture with the 5 of them

Afterwards - a nice, happy baby!
We have since given Hudson sweet potatoes, bananas, and he just tried carrots today for the first time.  It took a few times for him to get used to the texture and taste of sweet potatoes, but now he really likes them. He loves bananas.  Carrots are okay so far.  He's such a good little eater.  I have made all of the baby food so far.  I feel really good giving him fresh, homemade food instead of store bought baby food.  Plus, it's been  a lot easier than I expected to prepare everything.