Saturday, July 14, 2012

I Love Bananas and Dancing!

I love Bananas and I love them a lot!  Mommy had been mashing them up, but she decided to let me try a few small pieces, and boy, was it good. 
Why didn't Mommy tell me I had food on my face?
What?!  You don't have food all over your body when you're finished?
I had to have an emergency bath when I finished because I had food all over my face and ears and hands and legs.  
After my bath I decided to let loose and put on a show.  Thankfully she was only able to tape a few seconds,  I don't want to be too embarrassed when I get older.  Please ignore Mommy's awful singing voice and song choice -she just grabbed her phone and hit play music.

1 comment:

  1. emergency bath, too funny! I know exactly what you mean. Love his dancing. made me smile.


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